Going Back To The Beginning
So take me back
Back to the beginning
When I was young
Running through the fields with You
Oh, make us like children
Make us like children
You're taking us back
-Let It Happen by United Pursuit
For the past week, the lyrics from United Pursuit’s song ‘Let It Happen’ has been playing over and over in my mind. The phrase that has stood out to me the most is: “Take me back to the beginning.”
The Holy Spirit has been continually taking me back to the first time I encountered Jesus.
I had always heard about Jesus, but he wasn’t ever really real to me. I just thought he was someone who had lived over 2,000 years ago, but I never thought having a personal relationship with him today was possible. The reality of his resurrection and ascension never really made sense to me—that was, until I encountered him.
I can still remember the moment so clearly.
I was in my first year of college, and I had agreed to go with a friend to a worship night being held by an off-campus college ministry. During worship, I was just kind of standing there, not really knowing what to do. Several songs were sung while I was still just standing there. Then, all of a sudden, I had this vision, or encounter, where everything got really bright and all I could see was this empty tomb and a man in white, who was walking toward me with outstretched hands—it was Jesus in his resurrected state walking toward me.
The next thing I knew, I ended up in the floor, on my knees, and just crying out to the Lord and encountering his loving presence.
I had seen the risen Lord, and there was no denying him. That night, I gave my life to Christ, and my life has never been the same since then in the best way possible.
This is just my testimony of how it all began for me, but as believers, we each have a testimony of when it all began for us, personally.
So, my encouragement to you is: take time to sit with the Lord, and let him take you back to that first moment when you just knew of his love for you and when you felt your heart come alive. In doing so, there’s just something so beautiful in beholding that first moment with him.