The Gift of Being Present
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
You look like healing to me!
Over the years, I’ve moved A LOT. The shuffle from one place to another has kind of felt like Hebrews 11:9, where Abraham dwelt in tents with Isaac and Jacob in the land. 😂 But, that’s another story for—maybe—another time….
Anyway, last year, someone dear to me encouraged me to buy a Christmas tree to decorate for my place. I was skeptical on whether or not I should buy one. I really didn’t see the point, since it would probably just be another thing I would eventually have to move or possibly get rid of.
However, despite my grinch outlook, I decided to take their advice.
But, I wasn’t just going to buy any ordinary Christmas tree-I wanted the tree I always dreamed of having. I’ve always loved the look of the aluminum Christmas trees from the 50s and 60s. However, nowadays, those trees are extremely expensive and hard to find, so I was so glad when I found a tree that closely resembled it, which also just so happened to be in-stock near where I lived.
Since I had never bought my own Christmas tree, I didn’t want to delay it any longer, so I went and got it that same day and put it up—decorations and all.
It was as if my heart grew three sizes that day.
OK, maybe my heart didn’t technically grow three sizes. But through this Christmas tree the Lord did a deep heart work, where I learned I didn’t need to just merely survive, but I could thrive where I am. He also showed me how I had lost the gift of being present. I was reminded to quit looking to the next season, the next place I would end up, and to be fully present and enjoy where I was in the moment.
As I sit in my new place and in a new city this Christmas, it’s as if I can feel the irony of my original hesitations of not wanting a Christmas tree last year. 🙃 Also, when I look at the Christmas tree in this season, I’m thankful for all the special moments and memories it holds from last year.
And this year, I’m reminded of the lesson it taught me last season, which is to fully be present in the moment. A year ago, I never would have thought I would be putting this Christmas tree up in a new place, but here I am—in this season, which is beautiful in it’s own unique way.
Once again, I’m reminded to not look to the next season or the next place, but to abide in him in the right here, right now moments. So, I’ve enjoyed my evenings by turning on the Christmas tree lights, and just sitting with him in the quiet stillness. These moments of just sitting with him have brought so much more comfort and healing to my heart this Christmas, too. It’s really not about a Christmas tree, but the reminder of the access I have to the Father because of the cross—this Christmas tree is just a symbolic reminder of all Jesus gave for me to live fully alive and fully present in the moment with him.
So, my encouragement to you this Christmas is to take time to slow down. You may already have rhythms and routines for spending time with him, but there’s just something about being still before him. No agenda, no plan, but just beholding and gazing upon the one whom our soul longs for. There’s beauty to be found in the silent night.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1 :4-5 (NKJV)